

What is Wordtune ?

Wordtune is a free AI Writing Assistant that helps professionals write better and faster. It is trusted by professionals in leading companies and features RewriteAI, a writing assistant; Create with AI, a feature for creating from scratch with AI; Summarizer, a tool for cutting reading and watching time in half; and AI Answers, a feature for gaining full control of information and documents. Wordtune is available as a Chrome extension, web app, iOS app, and integrates with Google Calendar, Miro, Microsoft Word, Outlook, Google Docs, Gmail, Asana, Slack, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Intercom, and iMessage. Generative AI and enterprise-level security are also available.

Wordtune Key Features:

  • RewriteAI Writing Assistant: perfects writing with AI recommendations, allowing users to unleash thoughts without worrying about grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Create with AI: streamlines work with a variety of templates personalized for the user, creates quality content from scratch with the press of a button, and offers emails, LinkedIn posts, creative headlines, and more.
  • Summarizer: summarizes YouTube videos, blog articles, PDFs, and more, consumes only the parts needed to know, and saves time while staying in the know.
  • AI Answers: creates a personalized knowledge base on the user’s Wordtune library, uses trusted sources to find answers, and stays in the know with AI Q&A and semantic search.

Use Cases:

  • This tool helps professionals write faster with AI suggestions while remaining true to their unique style and personalizing writing further with statistical facts or even a joke.
  • Wordtune can reduce editing time by 70%, writing time by 15%, and customer satisfaction score (CSAT) by 30%.
  • Wordtune speeds up the entire writing process by 20% and can reduce email writing time by 30%.
  • Wordtune reduces research time by 25% and helps discern which articles are relevant to read in full.

Paid version: Starting from $24.99 Per month

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