Thena AI

Thena AI

What is Thena AI ?

Thena AI is a customer engagement platform that helps businesses acquire, service, and grow their customers through Slack. It offers a unified hub for managing customer support, marketing, and internal helpdesk solutions. With Thena, businesses can streamline customer requests, send messages to ticketing tools, manage internal team inquiries, and more – all within Slack. Its AI-powered features help businesses provide personalized and effortless support to their customers. With integrations to popular ticketing systems and CRMs, Thena enables seamless communication and collaboration across teams.

Thena AI Key Features:

  • Request Management: Automate the process of detecting, assigning, and closing customer requests from Slack messages.
  • Internal Helpdesk: Support internal teams with AI-enabled Slack workflows for faster issue resolution.
  • Marketing Automation: With Thena AI users can create, execute, and analyze marketing campaigns on Slack to nurture customer relationships.
  • Connectors: Bridge Slack with email ticketing systems and CRMs to enhance team productivity and communication.
  • Analytics: Real-time monitoring of customer channels with response times, SLA breaches, and sentiment analysis.

Use Cases:

  • Customer Success: Strengthen customer connections by providing personalized support on Slack, nurturing relationships, and driving business success.
  • Customer Support: Thena AI can integrate email-based ticketing systems to assign and manage tickets, and receive notifications for seamless teamwork.
  • Marketing: Connect with customers on Slack and send targeted campaigns to promote products and services, and gather actionable insights.
  • Leadership: Analyze customer service metrics, such as response time and sentiment, on Slack to make informed decisions and improve team performance.

Paid version: Starting from $5 Per month

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