

What is Tekst ?

Tekst is a text intelligence platform that helps enterprises gain insights and optimize critical workflows by transforming unstructured communication into automated, intelligent workflows. With features such as AI-powered analysis, message enrichment, and automated responses, Tekst enables organizations to boost efficiency and focus on their customers instead of fighting backlog. The platform also offers seamless software integration and multi-language support, making it suitable for global enterprises. Additionally, This tool is ISO certified, ensuring security and compliance for all messages. With frictionless implementation and a user-friendly interface, The platform empowers organizations to take control of their emails, tickets, and other conversations.

Tekst Key Features:

  • AI-powered analysis: This platform uses historical data to analyze messages and enrich them with tags, enabling organizations to gain insights and optimize critical workflows.
  • Automated workflows: The platform automates responses and reroutes messages to the correct inbox, reducing time wasted on manual tasks and allowing employees to focus on high-value work.
  • Secure and compliant: This tool is ISO certified, never stores data, and encrypts messages to ensure the security of all information.
  • Seamless software integration: With multiple integrations available, Tekst can easily adapt to an organization’s unique way of working.
  • Multi-language support: Tekst is language agnostic, meaning it can detect any language and serve global enterprises.

Use Cases:

  • Customer support: This helps organizations prioritize and bundle similar tasks, providing a better service to customers and reducing backlog.
  • Email management: With AI-powered analysis and automated workflows, The tool streamlines email management, saving time and increasing efficiency.
  • Ticket management: By adding structure to each mailbox, Tekst allows employees to focus on high-value work instead of wasting time on wrongly allocated messages.

Paid version: Starting from $Not Fixed

Tekst Tekst