Shortly AI

Shortly AI

What is Shortly AI ?

Shortly AI is an AI writing partner that helps users overcome writer’s block. Its advanced technology generates high-quality content in a matter of seconds, saving writers time and boosting their productivity. This powerful tool is perfect for content creators, copywriters, and anyone looking to improve their writing skills.

This is a game-changing writing tool that helps writers overcome writer’s block and produce high-quality content efficiently. Its customizable AI and support for multiple languages make it a versatile tool for writers in various industries.

Shortly AI Key Features:

  • AI-generated content: Shortly uses advanced artificial intelligence to generate high-quality content in seconds.
  • Customizable AI: Users can train this tool to write in their preferred style by providing feedback on the generated content.
  • Multiple languages: This platform supports multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for writers from different backgrounds.

Use Cases:

  • Content creation: Whether it’s blog posts, social media content, or product descriptions, This tool can assist with generating unique and engaging content.
  • Writing assistance: Writers struggling with writer’s block can use this to get their creative juices flowing and overcome any mental blocks.
  • Language translation: The ability to generate content in multiple languages makes this tool a valuable tool for writers looking to expand their reach globally.

Paid version: Starting from $79 Per month

Shortly AI Shortly AI