Pictorial AI

Pictorial AI

What is Pictorial AI ?

Pictorial AI is a Generative AI platform that makes it effortless for businesses to create visually appealing graphics for their web applications. By inputting a URL, the AI is able to extract the ideas, concepts, and intentions behind the site and generate professional, ready-to-use visual designs. Users have the option to choose from a variety of design styles and can guide the AI by iterating or generating alternatives to the designs created. This AI-powered visual generator is the first of its kind and caters to the needs of businesses looking to enhance their website visuals.

Pictorial AI Key Features:

  • Generative AI technology for effortless graphic creation
  • Extracts ideas, concepts, and intentions from a URL
  • Offers multiple design options and styles
  • Ability to guide the AI and iterate designs
  • Perfect for businesses looking to improve website visuals

Use Cases:

  • Small businesses with limited resources can use this tool to create professional graphics for their website without hiring a designer.
  • E-commerce businesses can use this to generate product images and banners for their website.
  • Bloggers and content creators can use Pictorial AI to create eye-catching visuals for their blog posts and social media.
  • Startups and entrepreneurs can use this platform to create professional graphics for their website and marketing materials.
  • Non-profit organizations and charities can use Pictorial to create visually appealing materials for their campaigns and events.

Paid version: Starting from $8.99 Per month

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