

What is Osum ?

Osum is an AI-driven market research tool that allows users to access detailed competitive research, SWOT analysis, buyer personas, and other insights in just seconds. With Osum, users can discover actionable insights to help guide their decisions for growing their wealth and career. Osum is designed to help users stay ahead of the constantly evolving market and make informed decisions.

Key Features of Osum:

  • Sales Prospect Profiler: Combining demographic data with behavioral and psychographic insights to create actionable profiles for sales prospects.
  • SWOT Analysis: Evaluating internal Strengths, Weaknesses, and external Opportunities and Threats to inform strategic planning.
  • Research Reports: Generating in-depth business and product research reports to facilitate crafting effective strategies.
  • Market Opportunities: Exploring potential market segments and unique selling propositions to increase ROI.
  • Buyer Personas: Uncovering the demographics, personality types, and professional interests of target audiences.

Use Cases:

  • Sales Prospect Profiler: Creating an accurate profile of potential leads to increase the efficiency of the sales process.
  • SWOT Analysis: Analysing potential opportunities and threats to inform effective content marketing strategies.
  • Research Reports: Discovering insights into consumer reactions to inform the creation of successful strategies.
  • Market Opportunities: Identifying untapped markets and potential areas for expansion or diversification.
  • Buyer Personas: Developing an understanding of customer needs to tailor marketing campaigns.

Paid version: Starting from $134 Per month

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