Comparables AI

Comparables AI

What is Comparables AI ?

Comparables AI is a platform that offers a comprehensive dataset of over 330 million active companies and financials, making it one of the largest in the market. It utilizes AI to provide faster and more accurate company searches, M&A screening, market analysis, valuation, and benchmarking. With its AI-augmented analysis, users can gain deep insights on company similarity and market trends. Additionally, offers Premium subscriptions for access to detailed financial reports and automated financial analytics on stock-listed companies globally. The platform is ideal for professionals in fields such as investment banking, PE/VC, and consulting.

Comparables AI Key Features:

  • AI-powered company search
  • M&A screening
  • Market analysis with AI-recommendations
  • Valuation with peer group identification
  • Benchmarking with quantitative and qualitative data
  • AI Insights for market trends and insights on financial metrics
  • Premium Data with detailed financial reports and automated exports
  • Market insights coming soon

Use Cases:

  • Searching for companies for potential mergers or acquisitions
  • Conducting market analysis for a new market or industry
  • Valuing a company using AI and financial data
  • Benchmarking a target company against its competitors
  • Accessing detailed financial reports for private companies globally
  • Automated financial analytics for stock-listed companies
  • Identifying market trends and gaining insights for investment decisions.

Paid version: Starting from $218 Per month

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