Cactus AI

Cactus AI

What is Cactus AI ?

Cactus AI is a GPT-3 powered AI essay writer that helps users overcome writer’s block, generate new ideas, and simplify the writing process. It offers features such as a free AI essay generator, article summarizer, essay outline generator, and essay shorter tool. Additionally, it can assist with organizing thoughts with its structure generator, coding assignments, and creating presentations. Cactus also offers a professional human editing service for a more refined touch. It is a reliable companion for academic writing tasks.

Cactus AI Key Features:

  • GPT-3 powered AI essay writer
  • Free AI essay generator
  • Article summarizer
  • Essay outline generator
  • Essay shorter tool
  • Structure generator for organizing thoughts
  • Assistance with coding assignments
  • Presentation creation
  • Professional human editing service

Use Cases:

  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Generating new ideas
  • Simplifying the writing process
  • Creating essays in MLA or APA style
  • Finding sources for research papers
  • Organizing thoughts and creating structure for writing
  • Assisting with coding assignments for computer science students
  • Creating presentations for academic or professional purposes
  • Refining and improving written work with professional human editing service.

Paid version: Starting from $0 Per month

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