

What is AI-Recruiter ?

AI-Recruiter is an AI-driven recruitment tool that helps elevate the hiring process on LinkedIn. It automates candidate sourcing, matching, engagement, and shortlisting, making the process faster, more efficient, and personalized. The tool can be used on any platform, and multiple LinkedIn accounts can be managed within one campaign.

AI-Recruiter Key Features:

  • AI-Powered LinkedIn Candidate Discovery: AI scans job posts and executes precise LinkedIn searches to present top candidates.
  • Intelligent Candidate Profiling and Matching: AI evaluates candidate-job alignment for informed selections.
  • Connection Automation: Candidates can be engaged through LinkedIn, InMail, or email automatically with AI-Recruiter.
  • AI-Powered Interaction: AI conducts meaningful conversations, answers questions, and collects information seamlessly.
  • Smart AI Assistant: AI rates profiles, answers questions, and helps make decisions in the selection process.
  • Automated Workflows: Tasks adapt based on candidate status, sending requests and follow-ups automatically.
  • Customizable Messages: Templates can be used for different messages to ensure personalized communication.
  • Safe Local Operation: AI-Recruiter can be operated on a device without sharing LinkedIn credentials.
  • Multi-Account Management: Multiple LinkedIn accounts can be managed within one campaign.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient Candidate Sourcing: AI-Recruiter can quickly scan and present top candidates for job posts, saving time and effort.
  • Informed Selections: With AI evaluating candidate-job alignment, recruiters can make informed selections for better hiring outcomes.
  • Personalized Engagement: The tool allows for personalized engagement through LinkedIn, InMail, or email, making the process more efficient and effective.
  • Streamlined Recruitment Process: With automation and AI-powered features, the recruitment process becomes faster and more streamlined.
  • Multiple Account Management: Companies with multiple recruiters can easily manage multiple LinkedIn accounts within one campaign.

Paid version: Starting from $19.90 Per month

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AI-Recruiter AI-Recruiter