Opus Pro

Opus Pro

What is Opus Pro ?

Opus Pro is a video repurposing tool that uses AI technology to create short, attention-grabbing clips from longer videos. It is designed to help content creators, businesses, and marketers save time and effort in creating engaging video content for their audience.

Opus Pro Key Features:

  • AI Curation: Opus Pro AI analyzes your video to identify the most compelling moments and extracts them to create short clips.
  • AI Virality Score: The tool generates a score to show the viral potential of each clip based on its analysis of thousands of viral videos.
  • AI Co-Pilot: Gives users more control over the clip by allowing them to select specific timeframes or look for specific parts to clip based on keywords.
  • AI B-roll: Automatically adds contextually relevant b-rolls to enhance storytelling and increase visual appeal.
  • AI Dynamic Layout: Jazz up your screen layout by automatically switching between different layouts to make your speakers and visuals stand out.

Use Cases:

  • Repurpose long-form videos into short, shareable clips for social media platforms.
  • Create daily, high-quality short videos to gain more views and followers.
  • Save time and effort in creating engaging video content.
  • Increase watch time and audience engagement with dynamic captions and seamless transitions.
  • Perfect for video creators, marketers, and businesses looking to accelerate growth and monetization.

Paid version: Starting from $19 Per month

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