

What is Opinly ?

Opinly is a competitive analysis tool that provides real-time insights on competitor pricing changes and feature developments. It automates the process of competitor analysis, making it accessible to individuals and companies without data science skills. With Opinly, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and make data-driven decisions to align with their growth objectives. It is an AI-powered tool that is suitable for any business with an online presence, including websites, reviews, and social media. Opinly helps transform a company’s competitive edge by providing unmatched insights.

Opinly Key Features:

  • Real-time price monitoring with OpinPrice Engine
  • Notifications for competitor pricing changes
  • AI-powered data analytics for market dynamics and decision-making
  • Price adjustment tracking
  • Key price statistics and metrics
  • Top voted AI tool by users

Use Cases:

  • Tracking competitor pricing changes and adjusting prices accordingly
  • Identifying and analyzing competitor strengths and weaknesses
  • Understanding market dynamics and making data-driven decisions
  • Staying ahead of the competition and maintaining a competitive edge
  • Automating the process of competitor analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Monitoring and analyzing competitor websites, reviews, and social media presence.

Paid version: Starting from $5.4 Weekly

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