DeepCode AI

DeepCode AI

What is DeepCode AI ?

DeepCode AI is a developer security platform that helps teams find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code. It integrates directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines, making it easy for developers to ensure the security of their code.

DeepCode AI Key Features:

  • DeepCode AI: The backbone of Snyk Code, This is the fastest and most accurate SAST on the market. It is purpose-built for secure development, utilizing multiple AI models and trained on security-specific data by top security researchers.
  • Multiple Language Support: Snyk’s DeepCode supports 11 programming languages, making it a versatile tool for developers working in different environments.
  • One-Click Security Fixes: This tool powers Snyk’s one-click security fixes, allowing developers to quickly address vulnerabilities without interrupting their workflow.
  • Hybrid AI Approach: Snyk employs a hybrid AI approach, using both symbolic and generative AI, to ensure unmatched scanning accuracy without any hallucinations.

Use Cases:

  • Secure Code Development: Snyk powered by DeepCode AI helps developers write secure code by identifying and fixing vulnerabilities as they code.
  • Managing Tech Debt: With this tool, Snyk can also detect and help manage technical debt, allowing developers to prioritize and address issues in their code.
  • Simplifying Rules Creation: DeepCode AI’s logic and autocomplete feature make it easy for teams to create, test, and save rules for their code.
  • Boosting Developer Productivity: Snyk’s AI-powered fixes and comprehensive app coverage help developers build fast while maintaining security, increasing productivity in the development process.

Paid version: Starting from $0 Per month

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