What is is a platform that empowers you to create intelligent chatbots powered by ChatGPT technology. Unlike standard chatbots, these bots can access and process your own data and documents, leading to more personalized and insightful interactions. Key Features:

  • Data Integration: Connect your data from various sources like websites, PDFs, Notion, YouTube, and more.
  • Customizable Bots: Tailor the conversation flow, prompts, and responses to your specific needs.
  • AI Writing Assistant: Utilize the bot for brainstorming, creating content, and answering questions based on your data.
  • Multiple Channels: Integrate your bots into websites, messaging platforms, and APIs for wider reach.
  • Detailed Analytics: Track user interactions and bot performance to measure effectiveness.

Use Cases:

  • Customer Service: Create chatbots that answer frequently asked questions and provide personalized support.
  • Educational Assistant: Build bots that guide students through learning materials and offer interactive quizzes.
  • Product Recommendations: Develop bots that suggest relevant products based on user preferences and past purchases.
  • Market Research: Conduct surveys and gather insights from users through engaging chatbot interactions.
  • Internal Knowledge Base: Build a bot that retrieves information from your company documents and answers employee questions.


  • Do I need coding experience? No, uses a drag-and-drop interface and pre-built modules, making it beginner-friendly.
  • What languages are supported? Currently, English is the main supported language, with plans to add more in the future.
  • How much does it cost? offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans with increased functionality and data usage limits.
  • Is my data secure? Yes, employs industry-standard security measures to protect your data.

More Resources:

Paid version: Starting from $14 Per month