

What is Chatio ?

Chatio is a AI chatbot software designed to provide customer support and engagement for small businesses. It is built on OpenAI technology and can answer up to 80% of customer support inquiries automatically. It is easy to set up on your website without needing any coding skills. It uses the content from your website to provide relevant answers to customer inquiries and supports multiple languages for customers in different regions. It also offers customizable looks and feels for your chatbot.

Chatio Key Features:

  • AI Customer Support: Chatio employs advanced AI technology to provide secure, precise responses, addressing customer inquiries and immediately decreasing your ticket count.
  • Personalized answers: Chatio allows you to provide personalized answers to your customers, ensuring they have a great user experience.
  • Automation: Automate responses to recurring questions, freeing you to tackle more complex issues.
  • Multilingual support: Offer chatbot replies in multiple languages and ensure every customer receives an answer.
  • Data storage: Chatio stores your data on a secure AWS server.

Use Cases:

  • Boost Your Productivity: Automate responses to recurring questions, freeing you to tackle more complex issues.
  • Improve Customer Service: Provide instant and relevant responses to your customers and ensure they get the right information.
  • Cut Down Response Time: Decrease your average response time from 47 minutes to 2 minutes.
  • Personalize Your Chatbot: Customize the chatbot’s look and feel and provide personalized answers to customers.
  • Multilingual Support: Offer chatbot replies in multiple languages and ensure every customer receives an answer.

Paid version: Starting from $15 Per month

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