Boast AI

Boast AI

What is Boast AI ?

Boast AI is an innovative platform that helps companies easily capture more of their eligible research and development (R&D) tax credits. It offers a scalable, intelligent software and expert services to simplify the process of applying for R&D tax credits and maximize the returns.

Boast AI is the perfect partner for companies looking to accelerate their innovation and growth through tax incentives and R&D intelligence. With a proven process and transparent, real-time platform, Boast makes it easier and more accurate to claim R&D tax credits, eliminating the end-of-year scramble.

Boast AI Key Features:

  • BoastClaimTM R&D: Get up to $250,000 or more per year in tax credits from the IRS to fund your product development.
  • BoastClaimTM SR&ED: Get up to 64% of your SR&ED spend from the Canadian government as a tax credit cash refund.
  • SR&ED QuickFundTM: Get instant access to non-dilutive capital to grow your business.
  • AuditShieldTM guarantee: In-house tax credit experts prepare and validate your claim, with a guarantee to protect you in case of an audit.

Use Cases:

  • Software & Gaming Companies: Boast specializes in software and gaming claims, helping them get the most out of their R&D investments.
  • Manufacturing Companies: Boast understands the unique R&D opportunities in the manufacturing industry and helps maximize tax credit claims.
  • Biomedical & Life Sciences: Boast works with companies in this industry to capture eligible tax credit work from their detailed records.
  • Energy Companies: Boast AI experts help energy and utility companies maximize their tax credit claims based on their R&D projects and records.

Paid version: Starting from $Not Fixed

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